About Me
Hello, I'm Sue
As a child, I often use to sit and daydream about a world where everyone could just get along. Where people did not live in anger and fear. Where there was no judgment and envy. A world and a life where I could be anything I want. I think that is part of the reason I started on a path of Psychology after school, but being a Psychologist was not what I had in mind. Even as a child I was affected by the hurt in people and always wanted to help them to make it better. Even if it was just handing them a glass of sugar water, and later years, sit down and have a chat over a glass of wine.
My interest in business has always been as an entrepreneur. And as such I have had a varied field in which I gained experience.
In short my "working life"can be summed up as follows, while I studied I had various "jobs" from a shop assistant to a part-time work in the banking sector. Over the years I have owned a few business or managed some, starting at the age of 26 by owning a recruitment business and with my partner organised the very first Secretary of the Year competition in our town. (This we did for a number of years.) When she decided to return to a career in her formal educational field, I decided to join another recruitment firm. During my marriage I work in our farming enterprise. Set up systems for admin, dealing with labour and managing full accounting - while I did most initially it grew till we had a full compliment of admin staff - producing vegetables for major chains in South Africa and having a staff compliment of over 300 people. Growing with the business from a time where everything was done manually to "having everything on computer". (I remember still doing VAT on Excel Spreadsheets, before Accounting software packages were in place.) It was an exciting time to be in business during the early 1990's and although we were hit hard by interest rates, we still grew the business. I have owned and managed two cafes/shops, worked online for a travel agency and organised the travel arrangements for honeymooners. I managed the logistics of 2 long-haul refrigerated vehicles. I had also run a business as a Professional Organiser, focusing on helping small businesses setting up systems and getting them back on tract and having control over the business affairs. Once I gathered my self-esteem again after my divorce, I ventured out in my own business again, as a Transformation Life Coach.
I settled in a relationship that became a 27-year "marriage". It was not the most successful marriage in the world and left me with a self-esteem that was not even enough to wipe the streets with. I had had enough of living a life on the receiving end. I was fed up of living a life of reaction and tired of worrying what people think of me. Filled with guilt, doubt, not feeling good enough, a failure and struggling to get going in any direction, it was time for me to stand up and be accountable. I was a broken person when I got divorced, I felt that my whole life had stopped and all my dreams lay at my feet in the mud. With no self-respect, because I allowed all this to happen to me, I handed my life over and accepted what came and for a very long time, I was content with it. NO LONGER!
It was time to claim my own power, build my self-respect, be secure in my own skin and build self-confidence.
For 6 years I worked hard on myself. I read and studied self-help books, searched Google on topics such as self-help, self-improvement, surviving my divorce, self-growth and many more topics. I did not allow myself to let my ego walk in any door with me and I changed myself – well a little part of me – through sheer willpower and focus. In a way, I became my own life coach. Even that slight little difference made people notice the difference in me and many people have said to me “I want to reach the point you are at”. That did not mean that I did not have doubt and fear inside of me.
I fell around a bit after my divorce, trying to find a direction for myself. Then one day I decided today is the day. I sat down and looked again hard at my life.
I do not like working for a boss. I do not like sitting behind a dead computer every day. I want to decide how many hours I work, and I want to know that I work them, to achieve something for me. I want to make a difference in people. I like to see people grow and find themselves – just like I did. I like to talk to people.
I like it when I can see that light go on inside people and help them realise that inside themselves there is still a little fire they want to follow. I am passionate about people finding their power.
I needed help to achieve my dream because I knew that I was not going to make it with willpower alone. And if I achieved my dream, my reward would be to help others achieve theirs. My reward will be to support people in self-growth, to use the Law of Attraction to create the life of their dreams, find self-love and self-respect.
And as so often happens, after searching Google again, I came upon my future career.
I am sharing this with you, because I am so excited about the possibilities out there for each and every one of us. Through this Transformational Process, I have discovered not only who I really am, but I found self-worth and I know I can follow my dream. If I can help you to achieve your inherent goal in life, then my day just got even better. Do not wait like me for a life-altering event to kick you into gear.
I have found, through Transformation Coaching, a way to enrich my life and I now have the tools to help you change your life. Not only did I grow as a person, I found career guidance, managed my anger and fears, and today I am a successful entrepreneur.
I am registered with the International Coaches Register and have international accreditation as a Life Coach.
I am by no means complete, yet. It is an ongoing job, but I have now taken charge of my life. I no longer sit back and wait for life to happen to me. I make life happen. My life is focused on what serves me, what makes me happy and every step is towards my dream life.
Live your life, don’t allow life to dish one up for you!

Advanced Master Transformation Coach
Life Coach
NLP Life Coach
Negative Emotional Therapy ™ Practitioner
Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
International accreditation: International Coaching Register
Qualified Energy Codes Facilitator
Qualified B.E.S.T. Practitioner